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Continued relationship building with the various
indigenous communities in Colombia (Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo), other people and organizations in fostering similar mission and purpose as Teyuna’s is first and foremost.


It is the foundation upon which all collaborations are centered. This includes clearly defining a series of wise practices for collaboration. These wise practices apply whether the outputs are educational programs, research collaborations, or other endeavors.

We aim to create a foundation of relationship and trust, to understand that Indigenous and Western knowledge systems can reflect, resonate with, and reinforce one another, and can affirm and build upon each other when treated as equally valid, valuable, and vital.



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Casa de Paz is a legally established non-profit organization in Bogota, Colombia and committed to an important sustainability project called “Recovery of Land – Shi Tayku.”  This organization seeks to establish strategic alliances with various organizations - governmental, non-governmental and civil society - that share the same values ​​and objectives. 


TEYUNA FOUNDATION  has an existing strategic alliance with CASA DE PAZ SHINAWINDUA.  We have worked together to ensure sustainable financing of the project, having already provided financial support for land acquisition in years past.  We will continue to work with Casa de Paz’ founder to help facilitate means, in as much as possible, to continue with the different stages of the Shi Tayku project.  As part of the collaborative process, there will also be an exchange of knowledge and experiences with other successful initiatives worldwide.


Shi Tayku is  a small town located in the majestic Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia Magdalena Calabazo.  An entire indigenous community was helped to resettle in Shi Tayku - Mamo Serankua and family – quite an undertaking with all that it encompassed.  However, more than a settlement, Shi Tayku represents a beacon of hope, a testimony of unity and a call to action in favor of the protection of the heart of the world and its indigenous inhabitants.


The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is an invaluable natural treasure, home to unique ecosystems and guardians of ancestral wisdom. Shi Tayku is a living testimony of how collaboration between indigenous communities and the commitment to sustainability can protect this heritage.


CASA DE PAZ SHINAWINDUA has taken the leadership and responsibility for this project, which primarily focuses in environmental sustainability, implementing environmental practices, conservation of natural resources and care of the ecosystem. The project further promotes the responsible use of water resources, the protection of biodiversity and proper waste management. Likewise, it encourages

reforestation with native species, contributing to the restoration of the ecosystems and the conservation of local flora and fauna.


In addition to the aspects mentioned above,  Shi Tayku Project also focuses in the revitalization of cultural practices and the strengthening of indigenous identity. Respect and appreciation of traditions is promoted, the language, ancestral knowledge and spirituality of the communities.  Intercultural education programs have been established that combine the teaching of traditional knowledge with formal education, providing community members with tools to interact in an equitable and enriching with the Western world.  The project seeks to preserve and transmit ancestral wisdom to future generations, thus guaranteeing the continuity of indigenous culture in harmony with the natural environment.

Casa de Paz Shinawindua is fostering  a long-term sustainability plan and which is stages of development and will include development of income generation activities, through sustainable economic activities, always being respectful of the environment. Furthermore, they will explore opportunities such as community ecotourism, cultural exchange with visitors interested to learn from the indigenous culture.


The project is based on principles of participatory and democratic governance, where all decisions are made by consensus of the indigenous community currently living in Shi Tayku, and respecting the diversity of opinions. Gender equality is promoted, and participation and active role of women and the protection of human rights and rights of mother nature is fostered.




At TEYUNA, we believe that connecting with nature can be a transformative experience. Our immersive workshops are designed to help individuals deepen their connection to the natural world, while gaining valuable insights from the ancient traditions of indigenous communities. For the past eight years, we have had the honor of working closely with the Kogi, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo Elders, who have shared their sacred knowledge and practices with us. Our workshops are a unique opportunity to learn, grow and transform in ways that will stay with you for a lifetime.

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